What is a busboard ?
A Busboard is a device which connects to a computer and provides it with access to
hardware designed for a specific bus system such as Zorro PCI or ISA.
What do the micronik busboards do ?
The micronik busboards connect to the a1200 and provide access to zorro cards,
there are two versions of the card the z2i and the z3i, the z2i provides access zorro 2
cards only where as the z3i provides access to zorro 2&3 cards, an a4000 style
processor slot and an scsi interface.
How compatible are the micronik busboards ?
Most zorro cards will run with the busboards althought there are exceptions,
check the zorro card list for know cards.
What is the most common compatability problem ?
From what I have found out the most common compataility problem stems from the
boards timing, it seems as though some cards can miss the autoconfig sequence
unless another card is used to give it more time.